Letters to the editor


School budget should be reduced

To the Editor:

Governor Cuomo has made it official and has submitted his budget, calling for a reduction in state aid to local school districts. It is now time for the Long Beach School District to meet the challenge and accordingly reduce its budget. As revealed by the governor, many state agencies and school districts have been in a formula-driven, mandatory budget increase mentality for a number of years, resulting in tax increases.

However, property tax increases can no longer be the norm. As a taxpayer, I urge the Long Beach School District to tighten their belts and decrease school spending. Consolidation with other school districts should be examined. The bond that was recently passed should be re-examined to prevent long-term debt. And the abnormally high superintendent salary and benefits should be reduced, especially since Dr. Robert Greenberg is retiring. The taxpayer can no longer carry the burden of out-of-control spending.

Thomas Sullivan

Long Beach

Watch out for pedestrians

To the Editor:

Last Thursday evening, I made an error that nearly cost me my life. I was nearly killed by a motorist, turning right on West Park Avenue from Rev. JJ Evans Boulevard. For those who are not familiar with the location, Rev. JJ Evans Boulevard is the street that is between the LIRR and the Waldbaum’s shopping center.

I was on my way into New York City on the train, and instead of crossing the street from the corner, I walked across Park Avenue. Since the light was in my favor, counting down from 10 seconds to 3 seconds, I knew I could easily cross the street and make my train.

However, as I was crossing, a motorist, barely stopping at the slanted stop sign on the corner, drove dangerously close to me, making a right turn but looking left. He swerved out of my way and then picked up speed so he could make the light going west

on Park.

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