Beach Catholic Outreach to distribute school supplies at St. Mary’s Church in Long Beach


Beach Catholic Outreach is preparing for its Annual Back to School Backpack Distribution event, scheduled for this Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the St. Mary’s of the Isle Church in Long Beach in the auditorium.

The event will provide backpacks and essential school supplies to local children in need, helping them prepare for the upcoming school year.

The primary mission of Beach Catholic Outreach is to aid community members facing hardship. This mission encompasses various efforts, including food distribution, clothing donations, and seasonal events that support families during crucial times of the year. The Back to School Backpack Distribution directly addresses the needs of students in the community.

“The Back to School backpack and supplies distribution began over a decade ago because the need was evident,” said Vincentian with Tri-Parish conference and one of the coordinators of the event, Ginny Sievers. “Many of our neighbors who came to the Soup Kitchen and the Food Pantry were simply unable to purchase the many items requested on school supplies lists.”

Families participating in the event must be registered with Beach Catholic Outreach. They are assigned a specific time slot to “shop” for backpacks and school essentials. Each child will also receive a gift card to purchase any additional items they may need for the school year.

The event is organized by volunteers like Amanda Tolmach, who has been involved with Outreach for 15 years. Her journey with the organization began as a Girl Scout leader when she introduced her troop to the outreach efforts in Long Beach.

“I would bring my troop starting when they were 5 years old to help organize the food pantry and coordinate food drives and toy drives for the outreach program,” Tolmach explained. “Which helps our Long Beach community members that are in need.”

Tolmach’s continued involvement is driven by the joy she experiences each year. For her, the most rewarding part of the event is seeing the happiness on the children’s faces when they receive their backpacks. That joy, along with the opportunity to ease parents’ burdens by helping with school supply needs, inspires her to return and assist with the event year after year.

The event is supported by a wide range of donors. Backpacks have been provided by tri-parish parishioners, volunteers, and community members. Corporations and organizations have also made contributions. The fashion brand Steve Madden has donated backpacks, while local Girl Scout troops, including Island Beach Troops 2059, 2260, 2268, 2296, 2358, 2375, 2462, 2486, and 2523, have purchased supplies. Sweet Wink, a local children’s clothing manufacturer, has donated hundreds of t-shirts for distribution this year, ensuring that each child not only receives a backpack but also a new shirt to start the school year.

“Each year, approximately 20 volunteers from our Outreach program and our Tri-Parish St. Vincent de Paul conference help with the distribution,” Sievers said. “Since many St. Vincent de Paul conference members are also Outreach volunteers, the two ministries often join forces to support each other in many projects throughout the year.”

Beach Catholic Outreach’s work extends beyond the Back to School event. The organization also hosts a Thanksgiving distribution, a Christmas toy distribution, and an Easter basket giveaway, all aimed at easing stress.