
A future of innovation: new initiatives and a farewell


As another school year begins, it’s a fitting time to unite in celebration of a period marked by extraordinary achievements and transformative growth. This moment of reflection isn’t just a look back at what we have accomplished, but also a recognition of the vibrant community that has supported our students every step of the way. Your unwavering commitment to your children and to this district has been the cornerstone of our success. It has been an honor to work alongside every one of you.

Our district is flourishing like never before. We have expanded our programs and services to offer a comprehensive range of opportunities that cater to the diverse needs of our students. Our wellness and mental health programs are robust, ensuring that our children are supported in every way possible. Academically, we have reached unprecedented heights, boasting the highest graduation rates in our history. Our extensive partnerships with colleges and premier institutions have opened doors to countless opportunities for our students, providing them with a strong foundation for future success.

This past year was truly exceptional in every sense. Our students continued to shine, garnering numerous awards and accolades in academics, music, the arts and athletics. These achievements were a testament not only to their hard work, but also to the dedication of our teachers, staff and families who have provided the support and encouragement necessary for our students to thrive. We have tackled the challenges of learning loss head-on, with our efforts to enhance literacy and mathematical proficiency yielding impressive results. The successes of our students in local, state and national competitions have been nothing short of remarkable.

The recognition of our district as a place where excellence is the norm extends beyond academics. Nineteen of our varsity teams were recognized as Scholar-Athlete teams this year, setting a new standard for our district. For the seventh consecutive year, we were named a Best Community in Music Education, an accolade that reflects the dedication and talent of our students and educators alike. Our musical groups performed at prestigious venues and competitions, receiving top honors and bringing pride to our community. Additionally, we celebrate the many faculty members who were recognized for their outstanding contributions, further underscoring the high caliber of education our district provides.

Technologically, we are at the cutting edge, ensuring that our students have the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world. This forward-thinking approach is mirrored in our financial stewardship, where we find ourselves in the strongest position we have ever been. With the highest bond ratings and a decade-long streak of no tax levy increases, we have managed our resources wisely while still investing in our future. Over $60 million in capital projects have been coming to fruition, enhancing our facilities and ensuring that our learning environments are second to none. These investments, coupled with significant grants, have bolstered both our students and the district, making our future brighter than ever.

Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce the introduction of several new programs and services this school year. These initiatives are designed to provide even greater opportunities for our students to excel, building on the strong foundation we have already established. Additionally, numerous capital projects are in the works, which will further beautify and enhance our school community, ensuring a vibrant and conducive learning environment for all.

Our collective efforts have enabled us to offer world-class opportunities to our students, creating a legacy of dedication, innovation and educational excellence. Our commitment to holistic education and fostering universal awareness has made a lasting impact. Together we have navigated challenges and celebrated triumphs, always with the shared goal of nurturing and empowering our students. I am deeply grateful for the path we have walked together and the lifelong memories we have created. Thank you for being an integral part of this remarkable experience.

As I step away, I leave with a heart full of gratitude and hope. I am excited to witness the continued success of our exceptional school community. I encourage you to continue pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and supporting each other as you have always done. With heartfelt gratitude and best wishes for an extraordinary future ahead, I wish you all the best in the future. Our journey together has been remarkable, and I look forward to seeing all the amazing things that lie ahead for this beloved community.

Kishore Kuncham retired this month as superintendent of Freeport Public Schools.