Temple Emanu-El ends Pride Month with a special Shabbat


Temple Emanu-El hosted its eighth annual Pride Shabbat on June 28 at 7:30 p.m., celebrating inclusivity and solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

“As Pride Month was soon coming to a close, Temple Emanu-El held its annual Pride Shabbat,” Rabbi Jack Zanerhaft said. “A full sanctuary from all parts of the community joined synagogue members in a moving service of song, prayer, speaking, and celebration.”

Each year, the temple acknowledges Pride Month with a service and a guest speaker. Previous keynote guests have included the Executive Director of the LGBTQ Network of Long Island, a gay pastor who was once a Catholic priest, a Broadway choreographer, and a federal prosecutor in charge of discrimination cases.

This year’s keynote speaker was NYPD Detective and local Long Beach resident, Annamarie Bernagozzi.

“In her moving and touching remarks she told the crowd about being a gay woman and an NYPD detective was helpful in dealing with the public and victims of crimes,” Zanerhaft said. “The song I Have a Voice was performed by Cantor Lisa Klinger-Kantor after Annamarie spoke and the music and lyrics resonated with the attendees.”

Zanerhaft reminded everyone of the story of creation in Genesis, when God decided to create humans, he said, “Let us make humans in our image.” The ancient sages interpreted the use of “us” to mean that God has both male and female characteristics. Since humans are made in God’s image, each person also has a mix of both male and female qualities that should be celebrated.

He also inspired the assembled group by noting that a small community coming together and committing to a righteous cause can impact a larger society.

After the service, a dessert reception was held with rainbow-colored cakes and treats.