Photos: Molloy University hosts annual golf classic


Molloy University hit the links for its annual Golf Classic on Monday, July 15. The event, aimed at supporting student scholarships, drew participants who were eager to enjoy a day of exhilarating outdoor activities and clinics, followed by a celebratory awards dinner.

Golf enthusiasts gathered early in the morning for registration and breakfast, which was followed at 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. by shotgun starts at the Rockaway Hunting Club and Seawane Club, respectively.

The Golf Classic not only offered participants with the opportunity to play on a world-class course, it also featured golf and pickleball clinics with professional instructors, for those who were interested in improving their technique or learning more about one of the fastest-growing sports in the country.

This year’s event recognized Michael Sean Grant, a leader in employee benefits for the New York region at Risk Strategies, as its corporate honoree. Robert J. Behar, a partner at KPMG International and a Molloy University Class of 2003 graduate, was also recognized as this year’s alumni honoree for his achievements.

The day’s activities concluded with a cocktail reception and awards ceremony at the Seawane Club, where all players and guests celebrated the day’s successes and contributions. Event Chair Jeffrey Mulhall, president of McHugh Furnishings, and Co-Chair Dorothy Hines expressed gratitude to the sponsors and participants whose contributions will support student scholarships.