In our schools

South Side's Engineernig Club places in pumpkin fling


The seemingly irresistible urge to fling pumpkins culminated in success for members of South Side High School's Engineering Club. On the day after Halloween, the group participated for the second consecutive year in the Pumpkin Fling, at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County in Yaphank.

The goal of the competition is to design and create a trebuchet or catapult to propel pumpkins into a field. Contestants are judged on distance, accuracy and creative design. South Side’s entry this year was a trebuchet, named the Lord Russo. Lord Russo took home a First Place trophy for accuracy in the 14-to18 year-old division, with the pumpkin landing just 17 feet from the projected distance. The team also won 3rd place for distance, with the pumpkin flying 156 feet!

The Engineering Club is supervised by South Side High School research teachers Herb Weiss and Todd Russo. Technical assistance, tools and expertise on the art of catapult building were provided by Outdoor Structures teacher, Jack Murphy. Club members pictured at the event are, from left: Josh Meyerson, Haley Cohen, Mr. Herb Weiss, Ben Hawriluk, Greg Rizzo, Brett Cohen and Mr. Todd Russo. Students who are also in the club and assisted in the construction of the trebuchet but weren’t able to attend the pumpkin fling competition include: Sam Fisher, Lori Ying, Brian McEvoy, Devin Turk, Will Riley, Jon Davis and Adam Moss. Mr. Sacchon, to the left of Josh, came to support the students.

The Engineering Club, open to any and all who would like to join, also helps in the construction of materials for Science Olympiads, and competes in the Anything that Floats Race.